The slim design and the separate head and bodyfixation enable the mother to continue breastfeeding,thus, facilitating close contact between her and thechild during preparation for the scan.Careful, pressure-free positioning with soft, pleasantmaterials.
Easy to use and intuitive enabling routine-based workin interdisciplinary teams.
Permanent monitoring of vital functions through anintegrated viewing window and simple routing andstrain relief for monitoring cables via an in-built hosestopper.
Stable, stretched and centered positioning of thebaby’s head and body possible without any problems,even in narrow coils.
High-quality materials can be cleaned easily andconsistently until they are free of all residues, therebyfacilitating reliable protection.
Lay the newborn babyon the positioning aid.
Close theBabyFix Cocoon tightly. Use Pump to Secure baby in Cocoon.
Holding andbreastfeeding is possiblein the positioning aid.
Compatible with allcommon head coils.